| 1. | On land tenure reform in the new period of china 新时期中国农村土地制度改革探析 |
| 2. | Reform the system of requisition rural land 强制性征用土地制度的微观经济学分析 |
| 3. | Study on conception of rural collective land property system 改革农村土地制度保护农民权益 |
| 4. | Thoughts of reform on rural land system 对农村土地制度改革的几点思考 |
| 5. | The research on present rural land system innovation of china 当前我国农村土地制度创新探析 |
| 6. | Social factors of rural sports change during transit period 建国以来农村土地制度的历史变迁 |
| 7. | An economic analysis of the change of the rural land institution 农村土地制度变迁的经济分析 |
| 8. | Re - consideration about the reform of rural land system in china 我国农村土地制度改革的再思考 |
| 9. | Taxation policy of construction our country save type society 城中村改造中的土地制度突破及其意义 |
| 10. | The idea about reformatting the system of the country collective ground 农村集体土地制度改革构想 |