Why , three days ago the emperor had not landed . 三天以前圣上还没有登陆呢。 ”
Villefort s father laughed . " come , come , " said he , " will the restoration adopt imperial methods so promptly “嗯,嗯, ”他说, “看来昏君倒也从圣上那儿学到了速断速决的方法了。
She wondered whether to paint it as my portrait or me as a holy teacher or a holy being , and sought my advice through the letter attached 她不知道是要画成我的肖像或是画成圣上师或圣尊的模样,并且透过那附呈信件来征求我的意见。
" my dear fellow , the emperor is at this moment on the way to grenoble ; on the 10th or 12th he will be at lyons , and on the 20th or 25th at paris . “我亲爱的朋友,圣上这个时候已在格勒诺布尔的路上了。十一二日他就会到达里昂,而在二十日或二十五日到达巴黎。 ”
The nobility dont grudge their lives . we will go ourselves to a man ; take recruits , too ; and the tsar has but to say the word , and we will all die for him , added the orator , warming up 贵族不吝惜自己的性命,我们人人都去参军,人人都去招兵,只要圣上他这样称呼皇帝一声号召,我们全都去为他牺牲。 ”
He gave bolkonsky a dry and frigid reception , and said in his german accent that he would mention him to the tsar so that a definite appointment might be given him , and that meanwhile he begged him to remain on his staff 他冷淡地接待了博尔孔斯基,他操着德国口音说他将奏明圣上再确定他的职务,只有暂时请他留在他的司令部。
One paragraph spoke of the return of bonaparte and promised another letter and further details , on the arrival of the pharaon belonging to the shipbuilder morrel , of marseilles , whose captain was entirely devoted to the emperor 其中有一段讲到波拿巴的返回,并且说另有一封更详细的信托埃及王号带回来,那艘船属于马赛船商莫雷尔,船长对圣上十分忠心。
Noirtier s eye continued to say , " read . " he resumed : - " the undersigned louis jacques beaurepaire , lieutenant - colonel of artillery , etienne duchampy , general of brigade , and claude lecharpal , keeper of woods and forests , declare , that on the 4th of february , a letter arrived from the island of elba , recommending to the kindness and the confidence of the bonapartist club , general flavien de quesnel , who having served the emperor from 1804 to 1814 was supposed to be devoted to the interests of the napoleon dynasty , notwithstanding the title of baron which louis xviii had just granted to him with his estate of epinay 他又继续念道:署名证人炮兵中校路易士杰克波尔贝陆军准将艾蒂安杜香比及森林水利部长克劳特李卡波声明:二月四日,接到厄尔巴岛送来的一封函件,向拿破仑党俱乐部推荐弗莱文奎斯奈尔将军,略谓自一八四年到一八一四年间,将军始终在圣上麾下服务,路易十八最近虽封他为男爵,并赐以伊皮奈采邑一处,但据说他仍旧对拿破仑皇朝忠心不二。