| 1. | He was tumbling on the tides, dead . 他跌在河里淹死了。 |
| 2. | She lies buried in a little churchyard by the river . 她被安葬在河边的一个小教堂的墓地上。 |
| 3. | We decided to stop the boat in the inflection of the river . 我们决定将船停在河的弯曲之处。 |
| 4. | We stuck hard and fast on the rocks in the middle of the river . 我们被阻滞在河当中的礁石上。 |
| 5. | The children stripped off their clothes and swam naked in the river . 孩子们脱得光溜溜的在河里游泳。 |
| 6. | They paused to drink, then crossed the river toward me . 它们停下脚步,在河边喝水,然后过河,向我游来。 |
| 7. | Tom pushed the branches aside . he saw a sheep by the brook . 汤姆把树枝推到一边,他看见一只绵羊在河边。 |
| 8. | The enemy was strongly entrenched upon the other side of the river . 敌人在河的彼岸以坚固的壕沟防护自己。 |
| 9. | Anger was washed away in the river along with any obligation . 愤怒在河里边洗掉了,任何义务职责也一同洗掉了。 |
| 10. | You have a piece of land on the other side of the river that i need . 你有一块地皮在河那一边,正是我所需要的。 |