| 1. | The models are theoretically self-consistent . 这些模型在理论上能够自圆其说。 |
| 2. | Our scheme is good both in theory and in practice . 我们的方案在理论上和实施上都是好的。 |
| 3. | We led the commonwealth in practice as well as in theory . 我们不仅在理论上,而且在实际上领导着英联邦。 |
| 4. | We chose alliteration on the theory a little vulgarity enhances memory . 在理论上我们选择有点儿粗俗的头韵来帮助记忆。 |
| 5. | Theoretically the absence of damping results in an infinite response at resonance . 在理论上,无阻尼时将引起无尽的谐振响应。 |
| 6. | It is then theoretically plausible to use "product groups" as a basis for the demarcation of industries . 用“产品群”作为划分行业的依据,在理论上似乎是可行的。 |
| 7. | Also, on the basis of this knowledge, chemical equilibria can be predicted theoretically with great accuracy . 同时,根据这种知识,还能够很精确地在理论上预言化学平衡。 |
| 8. | Theoretically, one would expect the distribution of a fumigant to be more rapid at lower soil water contents . 在理论上,预计熏蒸剂的分配在土壤水分含量较低时会更迅速。 |
| 9. | The desirability of combined industrial and municipal waste treatment can be debated endlessly on a theoretical basis . 工业和城市污水联合处理的合理性,在理论上尚有争议。 |
| 10. | On bilateral issues nixon maintained wisely that there was no way to bridge the theoretical disputes in the alliance . 关于双边问题,尼克松明智地认为,没有办法弥合联盟中在理论上的争端。 |