| 1. | Avalanche control technology in fanjialing tunnel project 范家岭隧道大坍方处理技术 |
| 2. | Synthetical treatment technique for highway tunnel collapse 公路隧道坍方综合处治技术 |
| 3. | Analysis on collapse in maanshi tunnel and its countermeasures 马鞍石隧道的坍方机理分析及处治方案 |
| 4. | Construction scheme of tunnel passing through landslide area and fault zone 穿越坍方区及断层带的隧洞检修洞施工方案 |
| 5. | Treatment and prevention of slide at special geology section for nanfeng ' ao tunnel 南风坳隧道特殊地质坍方的处理及预防措施 |
| 6. | Evaluation of the effect of collapse in top area of a double - arched tunnel on its the secondary lining 双连拱隧道洞顶坍方对二次衬砌稳定影响评价 |
| 7. | The move comes after three rescue workers were killed during a cave - in thursday night 这是在本周四晚三位搜救人员在坍方事故中丧生后而作出的新举动。 |
| 8. | Numerical analysis and treatment of a collapsed middle drift for shallow multi - arch tunnel under unsymmetrical pressure 浅埋偏压连拱隧道中导洞坍方数值分析与处治 |
| 9. | This precious experience enjoyed by the viewer is mainly a result of his mind being free of preconceptions , disagreements , envy and suspicion , which have long been rigidly and fully contained 这个摩尼珠,令所有赏画者自动放下成见,不再怀疑不再嫉妒忘掉理论,陈年积习如崩雪似的坍方。 |
| 10. | With hoes and sickles in hand , fellow initiates young and old , male and female and some local residents swiftly made the weedy and messy roadsides clean and tidy 同修们不论男女老少,加上一些当地居民,大家不是荷锄就是手持镰刀,在道路的两旁勤快的将原本杂草丛生脏乱坍方的路面整理得乾乾净净。 |