Dr . wilson : you will lie , cheat and steal to get what you want , but you ' re incapable of kissing a little ass 你为了得到你要的结果可以坑蒙拐骗,无所不用,怎么就不能稍稍拍拍马屁呢
From a great deal of discovered social realism , we can find out that the disorder of market in our country bears on the evil competitions between some corporations losing business morals 从大量暴露的社会现实看,目前我国市场秩序的混乱与企业的恶性竞争、不讲商业道德、坑蒙拐骗、愈演愈烈的信用危机和奉行的拜金主义有关,它导致了社会信用整体水平的下降。