| 1. | Round shanks for broaches - types and main dimensions 拉刀圆柱形前柄型式和基本尺寸 |
| 2. | Cable protected clamp for shearer - type and dimension 采煤机用电缆夹板.型式和基本尺寸 |
| 3. | Round follower end for broaches - types and main dimensions 拉刀圆柱形后柄型式和基本尺寸 |
| 4. | Rectangular shanks for broaches - types and main dimensions 型式和基本尺寸 |
| 5. | Needle roller bearings - types and basic dimensions 结构型式和基本尺寸 |
| 6. | The types and fundamental sizes of solid - stem common thermometers 棒式普通实验玻璃温度计.型式和基本尺寸 |
| 7. | Rolling bearings with helically wound cylindrical rollers - types and basic dimensions 结构型式和基本尺寸 |
| 8. | Rolling bearings - double - row radial spherical roller bearings - types and basic dimensions 结构型式和基本尺寸 |
| 9. | Arrangement , types and basic dimensions for electronic equipment consoles 电子设备控制台的布局型式和基本尺寸 |
| 10. | The types and fundamental sizes of enclosed - scale industrial thermometers 内标式工业玻璃温度计.型式和基本尺寸 |