| 1. | The initial retrofit consisted of removing the gaps between the stringer flange and floor beam by providing shims . 最初的修复工作是通过垫片来消除纵梁翼缘和横梁之间的间隙。 |
| 2. | Screw threads and gaskets for fire hose connections 消防水龙带连接用螺纹和垫片 |
| 3. | Round or square washers for timber 商业性通用螺栓制造.木材用圆形垫圈或方形垫片 |
| 4. | Aerospace - shims for anchor nuts with mj - thread 航空和航天.带mj螺纹铆接螺母垫片 |
| 5. | Specification for compressed non - asbestos fibre jointing 压缩的非石棉纤维垫片规范 |
| 6. | Aerospace ; gaskets sheets , technical specification 航空航天.密封垫片.技术规范 |
| 7. | Dimensions of non - metallic flat gaskets for pipe flanges 管法兰用非金属平垫片尺寸 |
| 8. | Accessory drives and mounting pads for engines 发动机附件传动装置和安装垫片 |
| 9. | Polytetrafluorothylene envelope gaskets for pipe flanges 管法兰用聚四氟乙烯包覆垫片 |
| 10. | Rolling bearings ; needle roller bearings ; thrust washers 滚动轴承.滚针轴承.推力垫片 |