| 1. | Analysis of the rise of christian culture in west europe 试论西欧基督教文化的兴起 |
| 2. | Christianity culture and chinese literature in the new era 基督教文化与中国新时期文学 |
| 3. | Western modernistic literature and christian culture 西方现代主义文学与基督教文化传统 |
| 4. | Christian culture and modern chinese literary studies 评基督教文化与中国现代文学的研究 |
| 5. | The christian cultural background of yu jian ' s folk poetics 于坚民间诗学的基督教文化背景 |
| 6. | The influence of christianity on zhou zuoren ' s literature view 基督教文化对周作人文学观的影响 |
| 7. | On the humanism tendency of european medieval secular literature 兼谈世俗文学与基督教文化的关系 |
| 8. | Main theme and models : christian culture and narrative in chinese novels 基督教文化与中国小说叙事 |
| 9. | The ten circumstances of the christianity culture in china in 20 century 基督教文化在20世纪中国的十种境遇 |
| 10. | Review on the christian cultural perspective in the study of foreign language 外国文学研究中的基督教文化视角检视 |