With the hall of celestial gifts as its main structure and axis , and encircled by a corridor , it covers an area of 96 , 500 square meters 以主殿天贶殿为中轴,回廊环绕,钟楼鼓楼左右相对,雉堞周匝,四隅起角楼,面积96500平方米。
Through the barbicans the shafts of light are moving ever , slowly ever as my feet are sinking , creeping duskward over the dial floor 从堞口射进来的两束阳光不断地移动着,缓慢得就像我那不断地往下陷的双脚,沿着日晷般的石板地爬向黄昏。
The center of semispherical fort had a well . there is a small door with ladders at the north place . it s the entrance to the ammunition depot in the underground 上下两层富有雉堞,突出的棱堡附设有了望塔,棱堡作为炮塔之用,各有大炮五门。
Between the old and the new rue du temple , there was the temple , a sinister group of towers , lofty , erect , and isolated in the middle of a vast , battlemented enclosure 在圣殿老街和新街之间,坐落着圣殿教堂,屹立在一道筑有雉堞的宽阔围墙中间,一簇塔楼高耸,形单影只,好不凄凉。
Two shafts of soft daylight fell across the flagged floor from the high barbicans : and at the meeting of their rays a cloud of coalsmoke and fumes of fried grease floated , turning 穿过高高的堞口,两束柔和的阳光落到石板地上。光线汇合处,一簇煤烟以及煎油脂的气味飘浮着,打着旋涡。
These four edifices filled the space from the rue des nonaindi ? es , to the abbey of the celestins , whose spire gracefully relieved their line of gables and battlements 这四座大厦都座落在诺南迪埃尔街和塞莱斯坦修道院之间,四座府邸的山墙和雉堞被修道院的尖顶一衬托,轮廓线益发显得优雅飘逸。
The training period for specialist trainees in various clinical specialties is usually six years , and an extra year would be flexibly administered to suit individual trainee s progress and requirements of the colleges 挥南各种临?专?训练?期锓一般昏免幔,但并会弹性地堞?一年, ?配合个别?生?南训?带同不同医存院? ?求。
Whereupon , monsieur gabelle did heavily bar his door , and retire to hold counsel with himself the result of that conference was , that gabelle again withdrew himself to his house - top behind his stack of chimneys ; this time resolved , if his door was broken in he was a small southern man of retaliative temperament , to pitch himself head foremost over the parapet , and crush a man or two below 加伯尔先生只好把大门死死关闭,躲起来考虑办法。考虑的结果是重新躲到那排烟囱背后的屋顶上去。这回他下定了决心,若是门被闯开,他便从雉堞顶上栽下去抓住一两个人同归于尽他是个南方人,个子虽小,复仇心却很重。
With the hall of celestial gifts as its main structure and axis , and encircled by a corridor , it covers an area of 96 , 500 square meters . with the drum tower and the bell tower as its two wings facing each other , the crenellated temple has yellow glazed - tile roofs and red ridges , and a pavilion at each of the four corners 以主殿天贶殿为中轴,回廊环绕,钟楼鼓楼左右相对,雉堞周匝,四隅起角楼,面积96500平方米。庙宇黄瓦朱甍古柏参天,碑碣林立。还有铜亭、铁塔等古文物。