黑塞外直肌支持带: lateral retinaculum of hesserretinaculum of hesser
Example Sentences:
The vast , clear skies and gentle breeze indicated a good time for travel 入秋之初的塞外,天空晴朗,和风习习,正是旅游的好时节。
Beyond the northern borders of china proper are rugged steppes scattered with springs and laced with mountain ridges 塞外旷野之中,川原层叠,冈岭映带,间以牛羊驼马,与射猎游牧之众。
But fresh fat beef , mutton thin sheep and may be expensive , it must attendants to request , an unlimited supply 但是鲜肥牛肉、塞外肥羊与精羊肉片可能比较贵,所以需向服务员点单,无限量供应。
Let us go forward hand in hand , following the pillars of light and the stream of sound through the heavenly gate , sweeping aside all obstacles in the way 大家手牵手向前走,沿光柱顺音流,出天门闯三关,塞外风光多明快,沐浴清海好自在。
Join us on a trip to the major tourist spots or sites of historical interests in china such as jia yu guan checkpoint , dun huang , gui ci , xiliguole pr . . 从嘉峪关敦煌兹拾遗看到古时遗迹,惊叹古人的智慧卓越锡林郭勒草原赛里木湖长宁竹海等等的塞外风光尽收眼底。
Stannis baratheon had smashed mance rayder ' s host to pieces and made the king - beyond - the - wall his captive . . . but the wildlings were still out there , the weeper and tormund giantsbane and thousands more 史坦尼斯拜拉希恩粉碎了曼斯雷德的大军,还囚禁了塞外之王… …可是依然还有逃脱的野人,哭泣者,巨人克星托蒙德,以及成百上千更多的。
Join us on a trip to the major tourist spots or sites of historical interests in china such as jia yu guan checkpoint , dun huang , gui ci , xiliguole prairie , sailimu lake and changning bamboo forest to enjoy the beauty of china 从嘉峪关敦煌兹拾遗看到古时遗迹,惊叹古人的智慧卓越锡林郭勒草原赛里木湖长宁竹海等等的塞外风光尽收眼底。
It is rare in china that exist compatible several religions and well preserved religions places in huhhot , which not makes " green city " beautiful and exotic but constitutes an important part of urban culture of houghton 摘要呼和浩特是一个多教并存的城市,至今保存着许多著名的宗教场所,这在全国范围内并不多见,不但为塞外青城增添了靓丽的风采和非凡的神韵,也是呼和浩特城市文化的一个重要组成部分。