5 . red oak : origin of north . wooden features : density 0 . 66 - 0 . 77g cm3 . in general , oak particularly red oak is one of the most commonly available domestic hardwoods 5红橡:学名红栎,英文名: red oak ,科属名称:壳斗科,产于北美洲。
Russula subnigricans hongo grows fast after shower in the later summer and early autumn when it was hot . they emerged in the forest stand in which crown density was 0 . 9 or so . soil ph was 5 . 75 , and fagaceae species dominated 每年在夏末秋初高温阵雨之后为发生盛期。发生地林间郁闭度0 . 9左右,土壤ph值5 . 75 ,其共生树种以壳斗科为主。
Based on field collection , observation , ethnobotany survey , herbarium specimens and literature checking , authors recorded the current utility status of fagaceae plant resources ( the abundance , distribution and the utility ) in guangxi zhuangzu autonomous region of southwest china 摘要在较全面野外考察、调研的基础上,结合资料查询、查阅,对广西壳斗科植物的发掘和利用进行了初步探索研究。
There were 71 species in the community 2 ( castanopsis fargesii - itea chlnensis - maesa japonica community ) , and castanopsis fargesii and itea chinensis were respectively the absolute dominant species of tree layer and succession layer , maesa japonica was the dominant species of regeneration layer 群落次生天然演替过程是以地带性植被壳斗科、茶科、冬青科等物种为主。总体上黄茵岭生态保护小区群落种子植物属的分布类型是以热带分布成分占绝对优势,种子植物以热带起源为主。
Liihe palynological data indicate a vertical paleovegetational landscape : evergreen broad - leaved forest dominated by castanopsis , lithocarpus , cycobalanopsis and anacardiaceae etc occurred on the slopes near the deposit site ; mixed coniferous / broad - leaved forest and coniferous forest occurred on the area of high elevation , and main elements were tsuga , podocarpus , pinus , picea and abies etc . seven paleoclimatic parameters of liihe area estimated include mat ( 13 . 3 - 20 . 9c ) , wmt ( 22 . 5 - 27 . 5c ) , cmt ( 2 . 5 - 12 . 6c ) , dt ( 12 . 1 - 24 . 8c ) , map ( 803 . 6 - 1254 . 7mm ) , mmap ( 179 . 4 - 281 . 9mm ) and mmip ( 10 . 2 - l8 . 5mm ) . yangyi palynoflora comprises of 52 palynomorphs belonging to 32 families . the percentage of angiosperms is 61 . 5 % , gymnosperms 9 . 6 % , pteridophytes 25 . 0 % , algae 3 . 9 % 吕合孢粉植物群的组成反映该地区在沉积时期植被具有垂直分带特征,沉积地附近分布有常绿阔叶林,包括壳斗科的青冈属、栲属、石栎属和漆树科等植物,以及多种亚热带和温带阔叶成分;林中混生少量针叶树(如松属和杉科等) ;林内蕨类植物较少;距沉积地较远的海拔较高的地区分布由铁杉属、冷杉属、雪松属和云杉属组成的针阔混交林或针叶林。
The typical familes which hold a predominate status in forests are lauraceae , theaceae , fagaceae , aquifoliaceae , symplocaceae , myrsinaceae , smilacaceae , hamamelidaceae , magnoliaceae , elaeocarpaceae , caprifoliaceae , most of which are of tropical and subtropical elements . those fmilies also are the dominants in guangdong flora , which indicates gmnr flora belongs to the most part of guangdong flora 从科的分析可知,该区系的表征科为樟科、山茶科、壳斗科、冬青科、山矾科、紫金牛科、菝葜科、金缕梅科、木兰科、杜英科、忍冬科等,主要为热带?亚热带分布科。
Longling palynoflora comprises of 86 palynomorphs belonging to 61 families , and consist of angiosperms ( 69 . 0 % ) , gymnosperms ( 4 . 6 % ) , pteridophytes ( 24 . 1 % ) and algae ( 2 . 3 % ) . longling palynological data indicate a vertical paleovegetational landscape : humid evergreen broad - leaved forest occurred on the slopes near the deposit site , and dominant elements were castanopsis , lithocarpus , cycobalanopsis , mixed with ericaceae , anacardiaceae and sapindaceae etc , and abundant ferns grew in the forest ; the mixed coniferous / broad - leaved forest and coniferous forest distributed on the area of high elevation , dominant elements were tsuga , pinus , picea and abies 湿性常绿阔叶林分布在沉积地附近,以壳斗科的石栎属、青冈属和栲属为主,混生漆树科、桃金娘科、蓼科、大戟科和金缕梅科的枫香属等植物,林内蕨类植物丰富;针阔叶混交林分布在距沉积地较远海拔较高的山地,主要包括松属,铁杉属,罗汉松属和一些阔叶植物类群;云杉林、冷杉林和铁杉林分布在更高海拔的地区。