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Chinese translation for "外振动"

external vibration

Related Translations:
振动:  vibrate; vibration; vibrance; vibrancy; vibra; vibes; shaking; rumble; jitter; chatter; sway; jar; see-saw; tremor; oscillate; vibro- 短语和例子简谐振动 simple harmonic vibration; 等时振动 isochronous
Example Sentences:
1.Because the reality modes of structure mostly are vertical direction arch truss vibration , so model vibrations in outer plane are restricted in analysis . in experiment , the front three modes of vertical directions are achieved through vibration exciter in the structure
2.Taking the bending stiffness , cable sag and cable inclination into consideration , the space vibration control of the cables using the visco - elastic dampers in cable - stayed bridges is investigated by joining the center difference method and the state space strategy . both the maximum modal damping ration and the optimal damper size are obtained , then the practical suggestions are proposed for the design of the dampers . the space nonlinear vibration equations of the cable - damper system are derived , and a new hybrid method for solving the cable - damper system is presented by combing the newmark method and pseudo - force technology
综合考虑了拉索抗弯刚度、垂度的影响,研究了粘弹性阻尼器对斜拉桥拉索的空间振动控制,联合中心差分方法及状态空间法,得出了拉索面内、外振动各阶模态可能达到的最大阻尼比及相应的最优阻尼器系数,并对斜拉桥拉索的阻尼器设计提出了参考建议:考虑拉索抗弯刚度、垂度及几何非线性,导出了索-阻尼器系统的空间振动非线性方程组,结合newmark方法及伪力( pseudo - force )方法,创新地提出了求解非线性方程组的杂交方法,根据拉索-阻尼器系统的阻尼特性,在各种荷载作用下,对索-阻尼器系统的非线性瞬态振动响应进行了研究,从系统响应的角度更加直接地验证了阻尼器的控制效果。
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