In grasses , the lemma , palea , and the flower they enclose 禾本植物的外稃、内稃及它们包被的花。
Each individual floret of the spikelet is also subtended by two bracts , the lower being called the lemma and the upper the palea 每一朵能发育的花的外面又有两片鳞片状的薄片包住,称为稃片,外面的一片称外稃,是花基部的苞片,里面的一片称内稃。
The average values of the stomatal index in the non - leaf organs in ca cereals were smaller than those of leaves . blanke put forward a new physiological process in fruit , ' fruit photosynthesis ' , and featured with lower stomatal frequency ( blanke , 1989 ) . the results here also showed that the significant lower stomatal frequency on non - leaf organs , indicating that the new physiological process might exist in these organs of cereals as well 其中小麦芒和颖片有发育较好的叶绿体结构,其基粒数可达普通叶的水平,但比旗叶少;外稃和穗轴都有完整的基粒跺叠,只是跺叠的数量较少;而内稃基粒少,基粒内囊体跺叠不整齐。