Why are organizations doing more with less 为什么组织都在追求“多快好省” ?
But it is not a direct financing and it may not be good for everyone 然而,在“多快好省”的背后,却有着骗局,陷阱。
The objective of our service is to help the customer improve the efficiency of document flows , saving time to focus on their key business and to create an excellent working environment and a strong competitive advantage 施乐商业服务愿意并有能力帮助我们的新老客户一起“为您的客户服务” “多快好省”和“事半功倍” 。
Abstract : in this dissertation the mechanism of vibro - replacement stone column , the mechanism of using vibroflotation for miscellaneous fill base , and main factors in design and constraction are represented deeply . vibro - replacement stone column can reinforce fobase cheaply and safely 文摘:介绍了振冲碎石桩的机理、振冲法处理杂填土地基的机理和适用范围,以及在设计和施工中的注意事项,通过振冲碎石桩处理地基可以达到多快好省的目的。
So it is very important to enhance equipment and lease management , select exactly equipment , use reasonably and maintain in time , so as to improve the rate when equipment are in good condition , and enhance mechanical efficiency , take technological transformation and innovation in time , complete the constructing duty fast and economically , heighten the economic benefit 因此,加强建筑设备租赁设备管理,正确选择设备,合理使用及时维护,从而不断提高设备的完好率、利用率,提高机械效率,并及时地对现有设备进行技术改造和更新,多快好省地完成施工任务和提高企业的经济效益都具有十分重要的意义。