| 1. | The 12th tai situpa in palpung sherab ling , india 从今天起,我将开始教授大手印。 |
| 2. | In palpung sherabling during 08 mar 15 mar 2007 衷心感谢大手印网提供的法相 |
| 3. | They are naked like the mind thats free of all attachments - 慈悲及空性之结合即是大手印觉悟的境界 |
| 4. | H . e . tai situpa planned to take 5 years at least to complete the teachings 仁波切计画至少分五年进行了义海大手印的课程教授。 |
| 5. | By h . e 这就是大手印。 |
| 6. | From different countries people were coming for this mahamudra teaching , which was given by h . e 各地区请购dvds的地点,请参考大手印网之连结。 |
| 7. | Maha mudra is to help all of us to realize the ultimate truth through the relative truth 一切都是大手印了义海大手印是为求得证悟,为了利益一切有情而证悟成佛。 |
| 8. | He received many teachings of mahamudra , including all the oral pith instructions from the 16th karmapa 他自第十六世大宝法王处领受了许多大手印法教,包含了所有的口诀心要。 |
| 9. | From today on , i will be teaching the maha mudra . maha mudra for practice , not for intellectual understanding only 为了实修的大手印,不是只为了知识上的理解,是为了实修的大手印。 |
| 10. | The 12 th tai situpa was blessing the attendants , who came to palpung sherabling for the mahamudra teaching during 08 mar 15 mar 2007 尊贵的大司徒仁波切在法座上加持前来参加了义大手印课程的弟子们 |