| 1. | Will it not sink into noting but a cemetery ? 它不会夷为一片墓地? |
| 2. | He runs his engine full again, riding exultantly . 他又开足发动机,夷然乘势而下。 |
| 3. | Other nations existed, but they were barbarians . 其它国家虽然存在,却都是蛮夷之邦。 |
| 4. | He nodded graciously to that stately half-hawaiian lady . 他向这位仪态大方的半夏威夷血统的女人优雅地行了礼。 |
| 5. | Other nations existed, but they were barbarian, of no consequence . 其他国家虽然存在,却都是蛮夷之邦,无足轻重。 |
| 6. | As micah, a leader on whom all the glories and perquisites available to the kings of hawaii had been visited, considered what he must do . 弥迦,这个享受过夏威夷王所能享受的一切荣华和特权的领导人,在思索自己该怎么办。 |
| 7. | China learned that the barbarians of the west had acquired a technology that could enable them to impose their will on the middle kingdom as well as on other asian states . 中国看到西方的蛮夷依仗其技术力量把自己的意志强加于中央王国及其他亚洲国家。 |
| 8. | Moral life in nanyue area during qin and han dynasties 秦汉时代之西南夷道德生活 |
| 9. | We shall also ask the nuns to compile the precepts . 我们还要请优婆夷集结戒律。 |
| 10. | An analytical investigation of the origin of the huangdi people 黄帝族源东夷说 |