| 1. | The report of such a prodigy awakened my curiosity . 这些奇迹的传闻,激起了我的好奇心。 |
| 2. | The age of myth and miracle had come upon the world again . 神话和奇迹的时代又回到人间。 |
| 3. | This was the magical moment, his entrance into the big time . 这是一个创造奇迹的时刻,是他走向大成功的开端。 |
| 4. | A miracle worker is a mechanism for avoiding hard choices . 能够创造奇迹的人就是能够设法避免作出棘手的选择的人。 |
| 5. | They discussed how truman had passed his miracle a dozen years earlier . 他们谈论十二年前杜鲁门是如何创造奇迹的。 |
| 6. | If that holiday in cornwall doesn't work wonders i shall be very much surprised . 我深信在康沃尔度假会创造奇迹的。 |
| 7. | The author of these wonders understands them. none other can do so . 这一切奇迹的创造主是理解它们的,任何别人都做不到这一点。 |
| 8. | You can't base an operation on the presumption that miracles are going to happen . 你不能把行动计划建筑在可能出现奇迹的假想基础上。 |
| 9. | Living cells have extremely efficient and near-miraculous devices for transforming energy . 活细胞中有非常有效的,近乎奇迹的转化能量的元件。 |
| 10. | We will not let ourselves be deprived of a word or hint concerning that wonderful woman . 关于这位作出了奇迹的妇女的传记,我们不能少读一个字。 |