dispirited; dejected and apathetic; in low spirits
Example Sentences:
You refused to let me stay bedridden and depressed 你不许我躲在被窝里委靡不振?
You refused to let me stay bedridden and depressed 你不许我躲在被窝里委靡不振?
This negative effect on people makes them feel tired , agitated , excited , easily angered and depressed . take a modern office for example 这种状况使人身心产生负面影响,如容易疲劳焦虑亢奋易怒或委靡不振等。
But very soon , we felt protected by the omnipresent master , and became calm and peaceful . we came to a convent , where god seemed to have arranged everything for us 即使在痛苦的处境中,大家的精神并没有因此而委靡不振,他们说:清海无上师带给我们欢乐光明和希望。
During the day she dragged herself about and dozed off on chairs . indeed , she did not emerge from this languid condition till the evening drew on and the gas was lit outside 白天,她走起路来总是无精打采,经常躺在椅子上打盹,直到黄昏时分,她才摆脱这种委靡不振的状态。