Chinese translation for "宝"
 Ⅰ名词 1.(珍贵物) treasure; treasured object 短语和例子 国宝 national treasure; 献宝 present a treasure; 无价之宝 priceless treasure2.(一种赌具) gambling device 短语和例子 压宝 stake3.(银钱货币) currency; coin; 通宝 ancient coin with square hole in center 4.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 宝忠 bao zhongⅡ形容词 1.(珍贵的) antique; precious; treasured 短语和例子 宝珠 precious pearl2.[敬] (旧时用于称别人的家眷, 铺子等) your esteemed 短语和例子 宝号 your shop
Related Translations:
至尊宝: laziolizemisshyactw329was
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Little chang bao disguised herself as a boy . 小常宝把自己假扮成男孩。 | | 2. | But eminent lawyers are common . 不过杰出的律师毕竟不是旷世之宝。 | | 3. | Life, it appeared, was a treasure hunt . 人生如同觅宝。 | | 4. | Thomas hudson knew about both these remedies . 这两大法宝,托马斯赫德森都熟悉。 | | 5. | Every part of the pig is useful . 猪浑身上下都是宝。 | | 6. | Paulina's spirited remonstrances only aggravated leontes'displeasure . 宝丽娜勇敢的劝谏只不过叫里昂提斯更加生气了。 | | 7. | It's all our chips on the one bet and i don't intend to see us lose the pot . 我们的一切赌注都押在这一宝上了。我不希望看到我们把赌本全输光。 | | 8. | Pork slipped from the room as she remained staring moodily into the distance . 阿宝从房间里溜了出来,留她独个人站在那里瞪着眼睛忧郁地望着远处。 | | 9. | Clyde could see that because of the fame of his uncle he was looked upon as a social find, really . 克莱德觉察到,因为他伯父的名望关系,他真是被看作社交场中的一宝了。 | | 10. | The thickness of the bark and girth of the tree can influence the shape and nature of galleries and chambers . 不过树皮厚度和树的周长都会影响到虫道和蛹宝的形状与特征。 |
- Similar Words:
- "饱足" Chinese translation, "饱啜你一瞬瞬的殷勤" Chinese translation, "饱嗝儿" Chinese translation, "饱嗝儿, 打嗝" Chinese translation, "饱餍膏粱" Chinese translation, "宝 大 厦" Chinese translation, "宝(土+冢)歌剧团" Chinese translation, "宝(土+冢)歌舞剧团" Chinese translation, "宝艾达" Chinese translation, "宝安" Chinese translation