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Chinese translation for "容许程度"

degree of admission

Related Translations:
容许形变:  admissible deformation
容许超负荷:  permissible overload
容许加速度:  allowable accelerationallowable accelertion
容许信号:  permissible signalpermissive signal
容许缺陷:  allowable defect
容许数:  admissible number
容许功率:  allowable powerpower carrying capacitythroughput
容许芯片:  tolerant chip
容许曝光度:  allowable exposure
饮料容许级:  drinking tolerance
Example Sentences:
1.Some participants considered that , in the long run , the allowance for people with foreign nationality to serve as legislative council members should be tightened rather than relaxed . this would help shorten the distance in the lead up to universal suffrage
2.Some participants considered that , in the long run , the allowance for people with foreign nationality to serve as legislative council members should be tightened rather than relaxed . this would help shorten the distance in the lead up to universal suffrage
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