sing while drinking; enjoy life while you still can
Related Translations:
歌: Ⅰ名词(歌曲) song 短语和例子民歌 folk song; 颂歌 song of praise; odeⅡ动词(唱) sing 短语和例子放声高歌 sing loudly; 能歌善舞 good at both singing and dancing; 唱送旧岁, 歌迎新年 sing out the old year and sing in the new
Figure 1 asked him to be drunk on wine when songs , strong yue also tasteless 拟把疏狂图一醉,对酒当歌,强乐还无味。
Table hermit mensch chaifei in this set off a pine tree , the poet li bai immersed in which , when the songs of liquor 表隐逸君子的柴扉,在这一棵松树掩映下,诗人李白沉醉于其中,对酒当歌。
The wei jin time , cao cao " sings while drinking , does the life geometry " , " how dispel melancholy , only has the dukang liquor " , becomes famous phrase which is on everybody ' s lips widely 魏晋时代,曹操的“对酒当歌,人生几何” , “何以解忧,唯有杜康” ,成为广为传诵的名句。