| 1. | When she first mentioned what ' s about to happen , 当她第一次说起将要发生的事情 |
| 2. | I ' m not seeing things that are going to happen anymore , 我不再能看见将要发生的事情了 |
| 3. | Their words foreshadow events to come 他们的话预示了所将要发生的事情。 |
| 4. | I tremble to think what will happen 我想到将要发生的事情就不寒而栗。 |
| 5. | No . the proof is what will happen 不,将要发生的事情才是证据 |
| 6. | The use of hints or clues in a narrative to suggest what will happen later 铺垫:用来预示将要发生的事情的线索或暗示。 |
| 7. | Without an understanding of these , it is difficult to make sense of present and future events in china 不了解这些,就难以把握中国正在和将要发生的事情。 |
| 8. | To have a good understanding of what has happened and what will happen in china , it is absolutely necessary to know the basic chinese s 要正确把握中国已经发生和将要发生的事情,需要了解中国人民的基本价值观念。 |
| 9. | You are invited to read this very old text that has traveled through epochs during more than 2622 years to announce what will happen soon 你们被邀请去阅读这篇为要去宣告将要发生的事情,来自超过2622年前的古旧文献。 |
| 10. | Which says nothing about what was expected to occur instead of the null pointer , a class - cast exception is relatively easy to debug (该异常除了报告空指针之外,对于将要发生的事情什么也不说)不同,类强制转换异常相对来说容易调试。 |