Faced with an insult and injury - wise forgiveness nairen , will fool weiqiu reported ; huadadadu wise man , fool xiaodujichang ; wise to clear the air , fool only angry 面对侮辱和伤害?智者宽恕能忍,愚人有仇必报;智者豁达大度,愚人小肚鸡肠;智者去争气,愚人只生气。
But kratos have no needs for the love of petty gods , he have found a new family in the warriors of sparta , they bring solace from his past by climb to battle 不过奎托斯并不需要那些小肚鸡肠的神祗认同,他很快地从斯巴达战士当中找到了新的感情寄托,他们的战斗让他得以暂时忘却过去的一切。