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Home > english-chinese > "小苹果" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "小苹果"

virginia crab

Related Translations:
苹果白兰地:  apple brandyapple jackapplejackcalvados
木苹果:  woodapple
糖水苹果:  apple in syrup
苹果壁纸:  apple wallpaper
苹果烧酒:  calvados
柠檬苹果:  lemon apple
苹果族:  maleae
碎苹果:  apple marrow
苹果草:  cardamine iyrata
采摘苹果:  pick apples
Example Sentences:
1.By baby . so cute i could just eat you
2.There passepartout beheld beautiful fir and cedar groves , sacred gates of a singular architecture , bridges half hid in the midst of bamboos and reeds , temples shaded by immense cedar - trees , holy retreats where were sheltered buddhist priests and sectaries of confucius , and interminable streets , where a perfect harvest of rose - tinted and red - cheeked children , who looked as if they had been cut out of japanese screens , and who were playing in the midst of short - legged poodles and yellowish cats , might have been gathered
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