供: 供Ⅰ名词1.(供品) offerings 短语和例子上供 offer up a sacrifice2.(口供; 供词) confession; deposition 短语和例子逼供 extort a confession; 诱供 elicit confessionⅡ动词1.(供奉) lay (offerings)2.(受审者陈述案情) confess; own up 短语和
岸: Ⅰ名词(水边的陆地) bank; shore; coast 短语和例子海岸 coast; seashore; 江岸 the bank of a river; a river bank; 上岸 go ashore; 海浪拍岸。 the sea washes the shore.Ⅱ形容词[书面语] (态度严峻或高傲) lofty 短语和例子傲岸 haughty