Li tian - lu ' s chuanchou puppets , intricately carved and beautifully costumed , are almost 200 years old 李天禄的泉州布偶,雕工细致、衣饰精美,有将近二百年的历史。
It was slow work , fastidious and delicate , and martin did not learn it so readily 那是慢工细活,又繁琐又精细。马丁学起来不是那么容易而且不能冒险,一出错就是大乱子。
Item code : wg - 313006 this decorative old fashioned chinese lantern is the perfect purchase , its beautiful to look at plus very functional 这些垫套的一侧均缝有一条隐型拉链,由于缝工细致,拉链拉上时几乎看不到它的存在。
Alone the jade part vulture makes sympathetic this money work , black for lofty one high mountain , clever vulture one opens the full overgrown multicolored vine above , flower size coincides homogeneously , the carver is fine and smooth consummate , similar to one kind piling on really are very vivid 欣赏此款作品,黑色独玉部分雕制为一座巍巍高山,上面巧雕一个开满花的老藤,一朵朵花儿大小均匀一致,雕工细腻精湛,如同真的堆起来的一样十分逼真。