| 1. | It is no secret. the whole world knows it . 这不是秘密。早已街知巷闻了。 |
| 2. | I made off through harterhouse yard into long lane . 我由察忒豪斯围场逃到长巷。 |
| 3. | I heard your laughter running down a million streets . 我听见你的笑声在千街万巷中回响。 |
| 4. | When he found himself in a bye-street, he vented his delight in a shrill scream . 他进入一条冷巷之后,便尖声呼叫,发泄他的喜悦。 |
| 5. | I climbed out of the window, ran up the alley and casually walked through the front door . 我爬出窗,跑出后巷,若无其事地走进前门。 |
| 6. | Within another year the boy's gift for mimicry had become slave row's favorite entertainment . 乔治天才的摹拟表演已成为大奴隶巷最受欢迎的消遣。 |
| 7. | He started to school and had the luck of coming upon becky thatcher at the head of meadow lane . 他往学校走去,碰巧在草场巷进口的地方遇见了贝奇萨契尔。 |
| 8. | He looked forward to the moment when he would exhibit her in park lane, in green street, and at timothy's . 他已经开始计算哪一天带她上公园巷,上格林街,上悌摩西家去抛头露面了。 |
| 9. | I was just wondering whether i should not do well to follow them when up the lane came a neat little landau . 我正在犹豫不决是否应该紧紧尾随的当儿,忽然地从小巷里来了一辆小巧雅致的四轮马车。 |
| 10. | Except for george's brief christmas-morning visit to slave row, the holiday season passed for him almost unnoticed . 乔治除了在圣诞节早晨到奴隶巷呆了一会儿以外,整个节日期间几乎都是在不知不觉中度过的。 |