| 1. | The glass facade of its public atrium averages 40 m high and offers spectacular views 其环绕各层大堂的玻璃幕墙平均高40米,海港壮丽景致尽收眼帘。 |
| 2. | Women have slightly higher grade point averages than men in every major , including science and math 在每项学科中,女性都会比男性平均高些,包括数据和科学。 |
| 3. | After a year . the survival rate of the plant is respectively 87 . 8 % and 90 . 7 % . introducing zenia insignis is successful 矮灌丛平均高为0 . 97m ,以盐肤木、山蚂蝗、算盘子等灌木为主。 |
| 4. | Children in low - income families , however , still average reading losses of up to three months , experts say 无论如何,专家表示,来自低收入家庭的小孩,仍然会失去平均高达3个月的阅读能力。 |
| 5. | They found that those who were vegetarians by the age of 30 had recorded five points more on average at the age of 10 结果发现, 30岁之前一直以素食为主的调查对象在10岁时的智商平均高出五分。 |
| 6. | In theareas around the protected regions fishermen reported catching , onaverage , four times as many fish per trip as previously 在保护区周边海域,渔民们上报的单次捕获量比起之前的量平均高出3倍。 |
| 7. | The difference was an average , meaning that it showed up in most families , but not all of them 研究发现,最年长孩子的智商比与其年龄最接近的弟弟或妹妹平均高出三个百分点,大多数家庭中是如此,但并不是所有。 |
| 8. | Southampton university team found those who were vegetarian by 30 had recorded five iq points more on average at the age of 10 南安普顿大学一支研究团队发现,那些30岁之前开始吃素的人中, 10岁时iq平均高了五分。 |
| 9. | A southampton university team found those who were vegetarian by 30 had recorded five iq points more on average at the age of 10 南安普顿大学一支研究团队发现,那些30岁之前开始吃素的人中, 10岁时iq平均高了五分。 |
| 10. | Those with two high - risk copies have a 70 % greater risk of obesity than those with two low - risk copies . they weigh an average of 3kg more 两个高危变种的人的肥胖几率将比两个第位变种的人群高70 % ,体重平均高3千克。 |