| 1. | Let p be a finite planar point set with no three points collinear 设p为一个无三点共线的有限平面点集。 |
| 2. | Points in the plane and rows and columns of a matrix can be thought of as vectors 矩阵的行列的平面点可视为矢量。 |
| 3. | The study about geometric properties of finite sets of points in the plane is one of the most famous and fundamental topics in combinatorial geometry 平面点集几何性质的研究是组合几何中的一个重要内容。本文讨论其中最为著名的erd ( ? ) s问题。 |
| 4. | Seventeen plain groups , which were associated with 2d braided geometry of composites , were deduced from the combination of ten plain point groups and five plain dot lattices 摘要由10个平面点群与5个平面点阵组合,推导出与二维编织复合材料几何结构有密切关系的17个平面群。 |
| 5. | The aim of this work is to discuss some erdos " problems of finite planar sets . a finite planar set is k - isosceles for k 3 , if every k - point subset of the set contains a point equidistant from other two 称一平面点集f是k -等腰集( k 3 ) ,如果f的任一k -元子集中均含有三个点,使得其中一点到另外两点的距离相等。 |
| 6. | For any integer k 1 let g ( k ) be the smallest integer such that every set of points in the plane with no three collinear and at least g ( k ) interior points has a subset whose convex hull contains exactly k interior points 对任何整数k 1 ,设g ( k )为满足以下条件的最小正整数:至少含有g ( k )个内点且无三点共线的平面点集必存在恰含有k个内点的子集。 |
| 7. | In [ 6 ] andras bezdek proved that if a convex n - gon and n points are given , then the points and the sides of the polygon can be renumbered so that at least [ n / 3 ] triangles spanned by the ith point and the ith side ( i = 1 , 2 , … n ) are mutually non - overlapping …久; }为任一给定平面点集,几存在八中的点和尹约边的一个匹配,使得由abst丑act相匹配的点和边所形成的三角形中至少有二/ 21个三角形是互不交叠的 |
| 8. | Two algorithms for delaunay triangulation from scattered points are suggested , one of which is from points in plane and the other from points in space . the problem of recognizability of 2d manifold is promoted and the relationship is pointed out between such recognizability and the local structure of a scattered point set 提出并论证了两种计算散乱点集delaunay三角剖分的方法,即平面点集delaunay三角剖分的局部构造算法和空间点集delaunay三角剖分的健壮算法。 |
| 9. | This problem has vide applications in real areas , such as the design of water and electricity supply networks , and communication networks , etc . at the same time , the problem is also closely related with some classical combinatorial optimization problems , including the steiner problem and the travelling salesman problem , which are well - known . so , it is of great importance to study it 所谓欧几里德2 -连通steiner网络问题,就是对于给定的平面点集p ,确定它的长度最小的2 -连通steiner网络,该问题与组合最优化中著名的steiner问题和旅行售货员问题有关,同时在水、电供应网络和通讯网络等设计中也有非常广泛的应用,所以对该问题的研究具有重要的意义。 |
| 10. | In addition , for regular grid data it presents an effective algorithm for some particularity that there are four isopoints in one grid cell and for random discrete data points it lays emphasis on triangulation . this paper firstly put forward three principles : attribute principle of adjoining isolines , attribute principle of isoregions and inclusion principle of ioslines after studying the character of isolines . the bivalue - topology algorithm based on boundary tracking is given , which is founded on the three principle and is used to fill isoregions 另外,在这两部分中除了对边信息链表的形成过程以及基于边信息链表的等值线生成做了详细讨论外,还对规则格网数据的等值线追踪中,一个网格单元上含四个等值点的特殊情形给出了一个比较有效的算法,并在任意离散点数据部分对平面点集的三角剖分进行了着重讨论。 |