| 1. | Lipid peroxidation in brains of juvenile rats exposed to lead 铅致幼鼠脑脂质过氧化的实验研究 |
| 2. | Characteristics and evaluation on n - methyl - d - asparate induced epileptic seizure in infant rats 诱导幼鼠痫样发作的特征与评价 |
| 3. | But when tendons are damaged in a baby mouse , they grow back almost like new 然而,幼鼠的肌腱受伤后却会长回,几乎像新的一样。 |
| 4. | Effects of rem sleep deprivation on amino - acid neurotransmitter contents in rat brain 慢性不完全性睡眠剥夺对幼鼠学习记忆的影响 |
| 5. | Neuronal damage of hippocampus and mossy fiber sprouting in immature rats with epilepsy 幼鼠致痫后海马区神经元损伤及苔藓纤维发芽的实验研究 |
| 6. | A study of mossy fiber sprouting in hippocampus of genetically epilepsy - prone rats p77pmc 匹罗卡品致?幼鼠海马结构损伤的形态学及苔藓纤维发芽研究 |
| 7. | The experimental study on apoptosis of hippocampus and cortex cells in rat offsprings exposed to lead 铅致幼鼠海马回及附近皮质细胞凋亡的实验研究 |
| 8. | A long term injuring effects on hippocampal formation after status epilepticus in early immature rats 幼鼠早期癫痫持续状态对海马结构损伤的远期影响 |
| 9. | Effect of supplementation with docosahexaenoic acid during pregnancy on brain fat composition of newborn rat 母鼠孕期补充二十二碳六烯酸对出生幼鼠脑脂质成分的影响 |
| 10. | Research for the relationship between early status epilepticus in immature rats and hippocampal sclerosis of mature rats 幼鼠早期癫痫持续状态与成鼠后海马硬化关系的研究 |