He made up a lot , and wrote them out on a paper , and read them off , so : 1 他逐个念道:一颗被幽囚的心在这里破碎了。
4 . here , homeless and friendless , after thirty - seven years of bitter captivity , perished a noble stranger , natural son of louis xiv 在这里,一个无家室无亲友的高贵的陌生人,经过三十七年辛酸的幽囚终于死去了。
I believe that if you were not in disgrace with the court , and had not been overshadowed by that cloud for years past , a letter de cachet would have sent me to some fortress indefinitely “我相信你若不是在宫廷失宠,也不曾在多年前那片阴云的笼罩之下,你可能早就用一张空白逮捕证把我送到某个要塞无限期地幽囚起来了。 ”