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Chinese translation for "序变模式"

sequential model

Related Translations:
:  Ⅰ名词1.(次序) order; sequence 短语和例子程序 procedure; 井然有序 in perfect order; 顺序 sequence; 以年代为序 in chronological sequence [order]; 以字母为序 in alphabetical sequence [order]2.(序文) preface 短语和例子原序 the o
称序:  weighting sequence
编程序:  programming; programing
按序:  according to the order of sequence◇按序编制程序 sequential programming; 按序抽样 sequential sampling; 按序存取 sequential access; 按序存取存储器 sequential access memory; 按序检验 sequential test; 按序排序 sequential
斑点序:  maculation
拟序:  preorderquasi order
序轮机:  sequece switchsequence switch
序结构:  order theory
原序:  the original preface
主次序:  principal order
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