Chinese translation for "度中心"
- centre georges pompidou
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Exhibition on masterpieces from centre pompidou to end soon 巴黎庞比度中心珍藏展即将结束 | | 2. | Paris reflections : photographs from the centre pompidou 花都旧影:法国比度中心珍藏照片展 | | 3. | Special thanks to : centre pompidou , france 特别鸣谢:法国比度中心 | | 4. | Artists and their modelsmasterpieces from the centre pompidou , paris 大师对象巴黎比度中心珍藏展 | | 5. | Center holes 60 with thread for shaft ends for rotating electrical machines 旋转电动机械用轴端带螺纹的60度中心孔 | | 6. | Centre georges pompidou 毕度中心巴黎 | | 7. | Taken at the preparation of the exhibition " artists and their models masterpieces from the centre pompidou , paris " 2006 摄于大师对象巴黎比度中心珍藏展2006筹备期间 | | 8. | The positive storm - relative helicity center is accompany with low - level jet in 850 - hpa isobaric surface fields 通过分析我们发现了正的相对螺旋度中心与850hpa低空急流的演变过程是一致的。 |
- Similar Words:
- "度曰" Chinese translation, "度泽" Chinese translation, "度正" Chinese translation, "度之门" Chinese translation, "度智媛" Chinese translation, "度子" Chinese translation, "度子午线国际日线" Chinese translation, "度足" Chinese translation, "度最最终回" Chinese translation, "度牒" Chinese translation