| 1. | Standard for modular coordination of residential buildings 住宅建筑模数协调标准 |
| 2. | Building constructions - modular coordination - unified standards 建筑模数协调统一标准 |
| 3. | Unified standard for modular coordination of buildings 建筑模数协调统一标准 |
| 4. | Standard for modular coordination of factory buildings 厂房建筑模数协调标准 |
| 5. | Stand ard for modular coordination of dwelling houses 住宅建筑模数协调标准 |
| 6. | Building constructions - modular coordnation - standards for factory buildings 厂房建筑模数协调标准 |
| 7. | Glossary of terms used in building module 建筑模数用术语汇编 |
| 8. | Existent problems in system of coordination standards in force at home for constructional module and their revision opinions 现行建筑模数协调标准体系存在的问题与修订 |