[ kāitiānpīdì ] 1.(天地开辟) when heaven was separated from earth -- the creation of the world; in the beginning of the heaven and the earth genesis 2.(有史以来) since the dawn of history; since the beginning of history 短语和例子 开天辟地的壮举 a most heroic event in human history3.(划时代的, 破天荒的, 开创新纪元的) epoch-making
Related Translations:
开天辟地的壮举: a most heroic event in human history epoch making
Example Sentences:
For the first time ever, the french would concentrate their resources upon a naval and colonial war . 法国人开天辟地头一次将它全部的力量集中到海战和殖民地战争上去了。
You know , since the beginning of time , 你知道,自从开天辟地之后
" and this has been true in africa since the dawn of time , is death sure . ' "自开天辟地以来,能确定让人致命
But i say to you , what every warrior has known since the beginning of time , 但是我要告诉你们,开天辟地以来每一个勇士都明白的道理
The creation of the world by pan gu is one of the most well - known legends in china "盘古开天辟地"是在中国流传最为久远的神话故事。
Ancient magic in the harry potter universe is not magic from before the dawn of time 哈利?波特世界中古老的魔法不是开天辟地前的魔法。
Since the beginning of time , animals have done odd things to attract another ' s attention 自开天辟地以来,动物吸引异性注意的方法便无奇不有。
In the beginning , god created the earth and rested . then god created man and rested . then god created woman 上帝开天辟地,稍作休息便做阿当.小休后便再做夏娃
Go in and ask him the price of the instrument ; but mind , he shall have no more kisses ! 你只要把猪倌玩具旋转几下,它就能奏出大家从开天辟地以来就知道的“华尔兹舞曲” 、 “快步舞曲”和“波兰舞曲” 。
You would think that we , as a nation , would remember every fact and figure since the dawn of time , given the amount of coffee we consume 你可能会认为,我们这个民族,如果喝足够多的咖啡,会记得开天辟地以来的每件事和图形。