弃旧迎新: replace the old with the new; change the new for the old; denounce the old and hail the new; prefer new to old acquaintances; throw sb. over for a new acquaintance; turn back on sb. (lover
The purpose of setting up the system of crime termination is to " erect a backup golden bridge " for offender to wake up to and escape disaster at the last moment 强调行为人主观犯意的转变,为犯罪人弃恶从善、悬崖勒马“架设后退的黄金桥” ,是犯罪中止制度设立的初衷。
On the basis of these , the author points out that in order to establish semi - criminal discontinuance , the following elements should be satisfied : ( i ) the conductor should give up the conduct of the crime from the bottom of his or her heart ; ( ii ) the conductor should make great effort to avoid the happening of the crime result ; ( iii ) though the conductor ' s effort to avoid the happening of crime result failed , the reason is beyond the control of the conductor 在准中止犯一章中,文章对准中止犯的概念、理论依据提出了自己的观点。在此基础上,认为成立准中止犯必须具备的条件是:行为人在主观上必须具有弃恶从善的真诚性;在客观上必须具有为消除危害而作出真诚的努力;行为人的补救行为并未奏效是行为人意志以外的原因造成的。