弃旧迎新: replace the old with the new; change the new for the old; denounce the old and hail the new; prefer new to old acquaintances; throw sb. over for a new acquaintance; turn back on sb. (lover
Example Sentences:
The fact which faada , the foundation for the adoption , patronage and defence of animals , provided us with was absolutely decisive : 80 % of the people who purchase an animal do it on impulse - people who act on the same impulses as those involved when buying a bag , a pair of earrings or a t - shirt 动物保护协会的最新广告,其含义是讲不要一时冲动,用购买时尚饰物的那种冲动来购买宠物,而最终却因为失去兴趣而将它们弃掷荒野。