[ gōng ] Ⅰ名词 1.(射箭或发弹丸的器械) bow 短语和例子 弹弓 catapult; slingshot; 强弓 a heavy bow; 张弓搭箭 with bows drawn and arrows set2.(弓子) bow-shaped things 短语和例子 小提琴的弓 bow of a violin3.(木制的丈量地亩的器具) wooden land-measuring dividers 4.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 弓强 gong qiangⅡ量词 (旧时丈量地亩的计算单位,一弓等于五尺) an old unit of length for measuring land, equal to five chi (尺) Ⅲ动词 (使弯曲) bend; arch; bow; crook 短语和例子 弓着腰 bend down; 弓身坐在驾驶盘前 hunch over the steering wheel; 弓肩缩背 arched shoulder and shrugged back