| 1. | General view of bridge str18 near the wsd catchwater 邻近于长沙引水道桥编号str18的全景 |
| 2. | Reconstruction of catchwater channels and tunnels in tai lam chung 大榄涌引水道及引水隧道重建工程 |
| 3. | Construction of bridge deck of str17 near the wsd catchwater 邻近于长沙引水道兴建桥编号str17的桥面 |
| 4. | Construction of bridge deck of str18 near the wsd catchwater 邻近于长沙引水道兴建桥编号str18的桥面 |
| 5. | Reconstruction of catchwater channels on hong kong island and lantau island 港岛及大屿山引水道重建工程 |
| 6. | Piling load test for bridge str 17 near the wsd catchwater 邻近于长沙引水道为桥编号17进行桩柱的承重测试 |
| 7. | Products in manufactured concrete - safety aqueduct head in precast concrete 混凝土制品.预制混凝土引水道安全盖 |
| 8. | Construction of the pier of bridge no . str17 near the wsd catchwater 邻近于长沙引水道为桥编号17兴建中间桥墩的工程 |
| 9. | Removal of the formwork for the bridge deck of str19 near the wsd catchwater 邻近于长沙引水道拆除桥编号str19的模板 |
| 10. | Keep to the catchwater 引水道前行。 |