It was still strict ban in the first five years during yong - le ' s sovereign , but the substantively loose after this provided the chance for the private maritime trade 永乐前五年里一度严禁,中后期以实质上的弛禁为私人海外贸易的发展提供了机遇。
With the nation ' s peace and increase of expending of qing dynasty , the scale of reclaim in ordos changed from none to little , then more and more , until exceeded any other dynasty before 清代随着国家的安定与清后期财政支出的增加,对鄂尔多斯的垦殖从禁止到弛禁直至规模持续上升,超过以前任何朝代。
These 78 years was the sole period of permitting the maritime trade during ming dynasty . however the opening policy was not changed so far and the avaricious governors deprived the merchants badly 这一时期虽然是整个明代难得的弛禁开海阶段,但“于通之之中,申禁之之法” ,海禁政策不改其顽固性。