Ⅰ动词 1.(返回) return; go back to 短语和例子 归国 go back to one's motherland; 荣归故里 return to one's native place with high honours; 无家可归 be homeless2.(还给; 归还) return sth. to; give back to 短语和例子 物归原主 return sth. to its original owner3.(趋向或集中于一地) converge; come together 短语和例子 把书籍归类 group together the books of the same category; 同归于尽 perish together; 殊途同归 take different paths which nevertheless lead to the common destination; 条条江河归大海。 all rivers lead to the sea.4.(由某人负责) put in sb.'s charge 短语和例子 这项工作归他管。 he is in charge of the task. 这件事归我处理。 leave this to me.5.(归属) attribute to; belong to 短语和例子 归公 belong to the collective [public]; 归国家所有 be turned over to the state6.(用在相同的动词之间, 表示动作并未引起相应的结果) 短语和例子 吵架归吵架, 可他俩还是很相爱。 they love each other despite their frequent quarrels. 牢骚归牢骚, 他工作可不含糊。 although grumbling sometimes, he works hard.Ⅱ名词 1.[数学] (珠算中一位除数的除法) division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor 2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 归有光 gui youguang