Vestiges of concept of xingsheng in some ancient chinese characters 形胜概念在若干古汉字中的痕迹
His poetic content shows mainly on enjoyment of landscape , reposal of homesickness and loneliness and response for toast 少鹤诗歌的内容主要表现在流连山水形胜、寄托乡思旅愁、酬唱应答等方面。
One distinctive evidence is that such buildings are usually located in places full of spirits of mountains and water 其典型表现便是书院寺观座落的山川形胜之处,通常是风水上良好的“藏风” 、 “聚气”之地。
Huang shih not only mountains and rivers shape victory , xiu armor chiangnan , moreover the element is celebrated worldwide by the rich mineral resource , has " name of the chiangnan treasure vase " 黄石不仅山川形胜,秀甲江南,而且素以丰富的矿产资源著称于世,有"江南聚宝盆"之称。
Yuhuan , an island county lying between two regiona economic centers , wenzhou and ningbo cities , enjoys rich resources from both the sea and land and , above all , the talents of her inhabitants . lt is historically known as the jade of the eastern sea 海岛县玉环,处于温州与宁波两个开放城市之间,兼山海形胜,得山海之利,人杰地灵,物华天宝,素有“东海碧玉”之美誉。
The author also believes that we should , in the concern of the modern transportation and the environmental capacity of modern requirement , explore those scenic spots and routes which have prospered in older times while have declined nowadays , and finally open up new scenic spots on the basic of this 以现代的交通和流线以及现代需求的环境容量去探求古时兴盛、现已湮灭的景点形胜和线路,并以此脉络择地新辟景区。
Period , qin and han dynisties ( 221 b . c . - 220 ) period , three kingdoms and jin dynasty ( 220 - 420 ) period , sui and tang dynasties ( 581 - 907 ) period , song and yuan dynasties ( 960 - 1368 ) period , and ming and qing dynasties ( 1368 - 1911 ) period ; the agricultural exploitation progressions were made step by step , and were going upward from the basin to the hill and mountain areas with comprehensive , vertical and cash crops system emphasized in different stages 第六章宋元时期陕南农业的全面发展宋元时期,作为农业开发的基础一人口出现了较快的增长,为农业发展提供了丰富的劳动力。同时,由于陕南地处战略形胜之地,宋王朝在此进行了大规模的屯田。增修水利工程,倡行稻麦两熟制,发展梯田农业,重视农业的多种经营成为宋元时期陕南农业开发的主体。