The bundesbank cut its discount rate 3 . 5 % , the lowest level in seven years 德意志联邦银行将利率下调到七年来最低的3 . 5 % 。
Even federal reserve chairman alan greenspan who argued earlier this year that there was little evidence of stress in funding us current account deficits now seems resigned to a weaker dollar see greenspan s lecture before the bundesbank in berlin on january 13 2004 and more recently his remarks at the european banking congress in frankfurt on november 19 2004 with such broad agreement on an important macro trend this is where the contrarian is trained to pounce 格林斯潘,现在似乎也顺从于一个弱势的美元参看格里斯潘2004年1月13日在柏林的在德意志联邦银行的演讲和最近他于2004年11月19日在法兰克福的在欧洲金融大会上的讲话。在对重要宏观趋势达成如此广泛一致的情况下,这是训练对抗者大做文章的大好去处。