Chinese translation for "怔忪"
- [ zhēngzhōng ]
 [书面语] alarmed and panicky; terrified; panic-stricken; seized with terror
Related Translations:
怔: 怔形容词(惊恐; 惶恐) seized with terror; terrified; afraid; panic-stricken 第二性怔: secondary sexual character 怔营: [书面语] terrified; seized with terror; trembling in fear 特怔线: characteristic curve 心里一怔: one's heart missed a beat 特怔面: characteristic surface 稍稍一怔: give a slight start
- Similar Words:
- "怔" Chinese translation, "怔唐拾柬扫汆嘤赫茏" Chinese translation, "怔营" Chinese translation, "怔怔" Chinese translation, "怔忡" Chinese translation, "整" Chinese translation, "整 整流 矫 精馏 纠 纠" Chinese translation, "整(条)鱼, 全鱼, 刚从水中捞起的鱼" Chinese translation, "整(只)番茄罐头" Chinese translation, "整(只)蘑菇罐头" Chinese translation