(of literary work) feeling and setting happily blended; (it) is a fusion of feelings with the natural setting.; with the scenery depicted and the emotions expressed in perfect harmony
Example Sentences:
C . music moving , and the exciting interaction between t will quickly take note poetry 乐曲动人、情景交融,赶紧拿出笔将诗记下来。
These few lines have been long praised for their fusion of the autumn scenes with the feelings of the parting lovers 这几句唱词既写了秋天的景色,又写了离人的感情,情景交融,一直为人们所称道。
False has two aspects : feeling and setting happily blended , express feelings through setting ; analyse apparently , criticize implicitly 虚笔的表现则有两类,一是情景交融,以景传情;二是点到为止,不做深入剖析。
The art of digital graphics has surpassed the traditional aesthetics of setting subject against object , and realized the interactivity and blending of subject and object 数码图形艺术已经超越了传统的主、客相对式的审美方式,在很大程度上实现了欣赏层面的主、客互动和情景交融。
Road group and system are definite and reasonable , subchannel road net for people and vehicle is considered in community planning , green plant system ' s natural division brings up sight blending to community interior view 道路组团体系明确合理,人车分流道路网的社区规划,绿植体系的自然分景做到社区内景观的情景交融。
The superlativeperformance style sets the stage for the combination of feeling andscenes , juxtaposing the real and the imagined , and creating acoexistence of impressionistic and realistic techniques built in thecompact time and space of 120 min and 500 square meters 在120分钟简洁时间和500平米简约时空中,构筑起情景交融、虚实相生、写实与写意并存的极致景观。
The poem , shan ju qiu ming , is the most excellent one which describes the mountain and river , using brief words , explicit pictures , and forms further scene and is filled of beauty ; and at the same time in the scene the feature is exhibited 摘要《山居秋暝》以洗练的笔墨绘出画面,形成幽远的意境,充满了诗情画意之美,而在所绘意境中又处处透出丰采神韵,深得情景交融之妙,不愧为山水诗中的珍品佳作。
This estate ad - writing of the moonlight in lotus pond combines the beautiful scene of moonlight written by zhu zi qing with natural life philosophy , making you raise the impulse of inhabiting in that beautiful scenery to feel the essentially simple life 荷塘月色房产广告文案,把朱自清笔下的月色中的荷塘美景和自然的生活哲学巧妙地联结在一起,情景交融,意境深邃,让人不由产生置身于那美景中去感受真实简单的生活的冲动。
Along the introduction of the design of the college for the aged of zhejiang province , proceeded with analysis of the restrictive particularities of subjective and objective factors , design principles of a college for the olds are brought forward from tour angles : the original nature , organic spaces , rational construction , and humanistic affection , which can help create a campus with interacting between the subjects and the objects and mingling of the human emotions and the sceneries around 摘要以浙江省老年大学设计为例,由对制约设计的主、客体要素的特殊性分析入手,从“原样的自然、有机的空间、理性的构建、人文的情怀”四个方面进行论述,提出塑造主客互动、情景交融的老年大学校园的设计理念。