| 1. | The fresh trouble comes at a difficult time for the italian telecoms group 本已处在困难境地的意大利电信集团又有了新麻烦。 |
| 2. | Ti ' s biggest shareholder is controlled by pirelli , the italian tyre and real estate group 意大利电信的最大股东是意大利轮胎及房地产集团倍耐力旗下公司。 |
| 3. | Telecom says there is no security risk in having detainees consult a nationwide database of phone numbers and addresses 意大利电信说让犯人们接触到全国电话号码和地址的数据库并无安全之虞。 |
| 4. | Selling tim , which was fully integrated into telecom italia only last year , would mark a complete reversal of this policy 卖掉去年刚刚完全并入意大利电信的意大利移动通讯公司,将完全颠覆其政策。 |
| 5. | And it will appear in a new mobile device with a five - inch ( 13cm ) roll - up display that will be introduced in italy later this year 今年的下半年,一种配有5英寸可卷式显示器的新型移动设备将在意大利面市,由意大利电信集团负责发售。 |
| 6. | Thank you for calling telecom italia , " said gianluca descenzo , who is serving a 13 - year sentence for a drug - related murder , politely answering the umpteenth call of the day 谢谢致电意大利电信, ”甘路卡.帝桑礼貌地接听这一天第无数个电话时说。他为了毒品而杀人被判了13年徒刑。 |
| 7. | “ inter , telecom italia , massimo moratti , marco tronchetti provera and rossi are all partners in the same things ? that is telecom italia and inter , ” moggi said on italian television last night “国际米兰,意大利电信,马西莫?莫拉蒂,特隆凯蒂和罗西都是同伙? ?那就是意大利电信和国际米兰! ”莫吉昨晚在意大利电视上说。 |
| 8. | Mischievous milanese insiders say that mr tronchetti provera , whose family in effect owns less than 1 % of telecom italia , wanted to head the telecoms giant because it offered more power and prestige than running pirelli 尽管他坚信把光纤业务卖给康宁公司和思科公司所得的资金拿来投资是他作为企业家的责任,他也表示要是他早知到意大利电信股票走势的话,他就去买银行了。 |
| 9. | Italy s biggest phone operator , telecom italia , on thursday presented its new call - center in rome s largest prison , where 24 inmates are glued to a computer screen to answer thousands of requests for phone numbers and addresses every day 意大利最大的电话公司,意大利电信,周三起用了设在罗马第一大监狱里的新电话中心。在那里24名犯人每天守在电脑屏幕前回答上千个有关电话号码和地址的问讯。 |
| 10. | Italy ' s biggest phone operator , telecom italia , on thursday presented its new call - center in rome ' s largest prison , where 24 inmates are glued to a computer screen to answer thousands of requests for phone numbers and addresses every day 意大利最大的电话公司,意大利电信,周四起用了设在罗马第一大监狱里的新电话中心。在那里24名犯人每天守在电脑屏幕前回答上千个有关电话号码和地址的问讯。 |