| 1. | Data on pressure , temperature and humidity measured by sensors of the radiosonde were transmitted to the ground station using radiowave 无线电探空仪将感应元件量度到的气压、气温及湿度数据用无线电波送回地面站。 |
| 2. | Measurements of pressure , temperature and humidity taken by sensors on the radiosonde were transmitted to the ground station by radiowave 无线电探空仪将感应元件量度到的气压气温及湿度数据,用无线电波送回地面站。 |
| 3. | Bobitrans , european leader company with a wide experience and know - how in designing and manufacturing of inductive components and power suppliers 欧洲领先的感应元件和供电设备设计和制造公司,拥有广泛的经验和技术诀窍。 |
| 4. | The sensing element , which is sealed with a laser , gives all the advantages of a strain gauge , but doesnt have the disadvantages like temperature drift 感应元件是通过激光焊接的,它有着应变片所有的各种优势,但却没有温度飘移的缺点。 |
| 5. | The temperature sensors are placed at a height of about 1 . 2 metres above ground level either in a stevenson screen or a thermometer shed made of palm leaves and mattress 温度感应元件置于百叶箱或以棕榄叶和竹席制成的温度表棚内,离地1 . 2米高。 |
| 6. | Watts gauges with copper alloy sensing elements are not suitable for applications involving highly corrosive fluids and high viscosity fluids that tend to crystallize 美国瓦茨仪表采用铜合金感应元件,不适用于强腐蚀性液体和易结晶的高粘性液体。 |
| 7. | The temperature sensors are placed at a height of about 1 . 2 metres above ground level either in a stevenson screen or a thermometer shed made of palm leaves and mattress 温度感应元件置于百叶箱或以棕榄叶和竹席制成的温度表棚内,离地1 . 2米高。 |
| 8. | Digital type main operation panel , which is first developed in korea , durability test is completed and has been applied for patent 韩国领先的电脑式操作控制面板,经久耐用并获得韩国专利装入精密控制程序,通过电子感应元件,使操作者能对设备运行和生产情况一目了然。 |
| 9. | Air temperature , dew point and relative humidity : digital thermometers with platinum resistance sensors have been used since 1982 . mercury - in - glass thermometers are used for back - up purposes 气温露点及相对湿度:天文台自一九八二年开始使用配备白金电阻感应元件的数字温度表,水银温度表则用作后备。 |
| 10. | The sensor , which is welded in via laser , has all advantages of the conventional bonded foil strain gauges , but without having their substantial disadvantages temperature drifts of the glue and creeping 感应元件是通过激光焊接的,它有着应变片所有的各种优势,但却没有由于粘胶剂造成应变片蠕动和温度飘移的缺点。 |