| 1. | Why is it that the young are never grateful ? 年轻小伙子们为什么总不知道感恩报德呢? |
| 2. | Brother luke will say grace . 卢克修士将做感恩祷告。 |
| 3. | But if you could oblige me, i should take it as a kindness . 不过你要是肯赏我一个脸,那我就感恩不浅了。 |
| 4. | He offered up the sacrifice of gratitude at the temples of his faith . 他在他所信奉的宗教的圣殿里献祭感恩。 |
| 5. | I had not considered how i could thank him, my gratitude lying too deep in my heart for that . 我早先并没考虑过应该怎样感谢他,因为我那感恩之情,有如刻骨铭心,很难表达于万一。 |
| 6. | He raised up again into a sober and fearful gratitude by the many he had come so near to doing, yet avoided . 他又想到许多差点儿动手却又悬崖勒马的事,一种又惊又喜的感恩的心情不禁油然而升。 |
| 7. | The impulse of gratitude swelled my heart, and i knelt down at the bedside and offered up thanks where thanks were due . 我情不自禁地一心想感恩,就在床边跪了下来,向应受感谢的地方献上我的感谢。 |
| 8. | I'm very sorry to offend your prejudices but it seems to me absurd that i should prostrate myself in gratitude to god . 很对不起,我会冒犯你们的偏见,可是说我应当对上帝伏拜感恩,我觉得是荒唐可笑的。 |
| 9. | She had never converted, the little touches were missing, like grace before meals and prayers before bed, an everyday holiness . 她始终没有改变信仰,那些小小的仪式就免去了,比如每天例行的饭前感恩,睡前祷告。 |
| 10. | The thanksgiving leftovers have all been eaten and the 感恩残羹剩饭所有被吃了和 |