慢性: 1.(发作得缓慢的) slow in taking effect 短语和例子慢性毒药 slow poison2.(拖得长久的) chronic 短语和例子患慢性疾病 suffer from a chronic disease [illness]; 慢性癌 scirrhous cancer; scirrhus; 慢性鼻炎 rhinitis chronic; 慢性传染 chro
呼吸: 1.(生物体同外界进行气体交换) breathe; respire 短语和例子出去呼吸新鲜空气 go out for a breath of fresh air; 用鼻孔[嘴] 呼吸 breathe through the nostrils [mouth]; 我又能像个自由人一样呼吸了。 once again i breathed as a free man.2.breat